Weather Date? Conditions to Postpone or Cancel Race

What does "Weather Date" mean? We will move the race to the Weather Date if the following conditions are reported on the road and summit the morning of race day - ICE, SNOW, VERY HIGH WINDS and HARD DRIVING RAIN. We will stop the race if conditions are deemed unsafe for the riders in the race or cars heading down. We will not cancel the race for "uncomfortable" conditions. Your are participating in a race where the venue is note for having the most challenging weather conditions - Mt. Washington. If weather should cause cancellation both days, your entry fee will be graciously accepted as a donation to Tin Mountain. Sorry, NO REFUNDS.

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"If weather should cause cancellation both days, your entry fee will be graciously accepted as a donation to Tin Mountain. Sorry, NO REFUNDS."

Talk about thievery! Why any cyclist would want to participate in a race on a road where they are ordinarily forbidden to ride is beyond me - but then to pony up a ridiculous amount of money to do so - or not - on the whim of the organizers - Ha! Hey, why don't you "not hold" 5 or 6 of these things next year? Think of the money you could rake in!
# Posted By Demosthenes | 8/19/07 9:02 AM
Let me get this straight... Newton and Mt. Washington cancelled at $300 each rider. 900 riders x $300= $270,000!!! Say the race organizers refund/credit $150, but keep the other $150 minus say $50 for expenses. That means 900 x $100= $90,000 profit. This policy may have worked when most riders were local & the cost was much less. Now you have many riders flying in or driving very far distances and spending $300 (entry), $150 (lodging), $300 (bike changes), & that does not include gas, plane fare, food, etc. Charities are very worthy but you cannot hide behind a weak disclaimer & brag about the weather problems to cover up the poor treatment! The race is overhyped and has lost its usefulness. Find another way to make money for your charities. Just open the Auto Road a few days a year & charge bikes go up on those days. Much easier & fairer.
# Posted By alcoppi | 8/20/07 1:12 PM
To add insult to injury, we came back for the turkey dinner at noon and
Mary told us that we missed it - "you should have been here at 9:00am when
we had it." There goes another 13 dollars to pay for my wife's ticket, but
who's counting?
# Posted By Frank Frain | 8/20/07 4:51 PM
You have got to be kidding me! You register for a race - knowing full well
that weather conditions could cause cancellation (although inthe entire
history of the event - cancellatinos have been minimal). Then because race
directors are concerned about the riders safety - you have the nerve to
complain? Gimme a break!
I rode the practice ride in July ($50 - we were the only group that made it to
the top this year), the wind was gusting at 60+ mph. I was blown to the
edge of the road several times - as were my teammates. With wind speeds
at 75+ on race day, I can't believe anyone would consider riding under
those conditions. Until you have experienced the force of wind at that speed
consider yourself lucky that you weren't allowed to ride - you may have
taken a lengthy fall right off the edge.
# Posted By luv2pdl2 | 8/25/07 2:43 PM
Hey luv2pdl2... I was NOT posting stating the race should be run in dangerous weather, if you read the main points of my info., I was referring to the faulty refund policy. The huge exepinse most people are incurring is then compounded by the lack of a substantial refund for TWO events that did not occur at all this year. Many have griped about the poor sizing of the jerseys , turkey lunch at 9:00 AM, & many other important aspects. If you are charging $300 per biker & $450 per tandem plus hitting up each extra car that goes up to watch, & thaen just say...sorry no race this year, but we will keep your money even though many people are already out in many cases easily over one thousand dollars. I just see the race pissing people off & they demand will eventually correct itself. If spots are reserved for 2007 riders in 2008, one week before the February registration, that means only a handful (literally) will be able to enrioll in the 2008 edition, which makes the demand drop even more.
# Posted By alcoppi | 8/26/07 3:57 PM
Hmmmm - I did hear that they were going to do the registration differently next year in order to "make good" the disappointment that people
suffered from the cancellation. However, there are still no guarantees when it comes to unpredictable weather and that mountain.
I'm not sure that refunding money would solve everyone's disappointment - but at leat the race directors are trying to make it up in some way. I'm sure that
the money we all pay to ride up the mountain has already been budgeted and would create financial difficulties if the Conservatory were to refund
everyone's entry fee.
Either way - I'll still submit my entry for the 2008 practice ride and pray for good weather. At least I'm only out $50 rather than $300. The hotel - no biggee, I can go shopping or
drive a few miles to sightsee...
# Posted By luv2pdl2 | 8/26/07 5:29 PM
©2011 Mt. Washington Auto Road Bicycle Hillclimb - A benefit for: Tin Mountain Conservation Center
For Information about this race, contact Mary Power 603.466.3988 - Refund and Exchange Policy - Header Photos by Philbrick Photo
Presented by Polartec